Excel® Rejuvenation Technology


The patented Excel® rejuvenation process is a step beyond standard catalyst regeneration. It offers a means for restoring spent catalysts, especially the highly active Type II, back to the catalyst's original activity, exhibiting equal performance to the equivalent fresh catalyst.


The patented Excel rejuvenation process gives refiners an excellent alternative to fresh catalyst in a wide range of hydrotreating applications from naphtha to heavy gas oil.


Producing an Excel rejuvenated catalyst is a 2-step process.  First the catalyst is regenerated under an oxidative atmosphere to remove both carbon and sulfur.

Prior to regeneration, however, the spent catalyst is analyzed compared to strict chemical and physical specifications to ensure only the highest quality catalysts are selected for rejuvenation.

If the catalyst is uncontaminated and meets the Excel specs, then a proprietary chemical treatment is carried out which redisperses metals to restore active sites for maximum activity recovery.  

Both pilot plant testing and commercial applications have proven that Excel rejuvenation restores catalyst activity back to fresh 


  • Excel® technology rejuvenates both Type I and Type II catalysts to fresh catalyst activity at less than half the cost.
  • Evonik provides extensive technical support from start-up through the end of cycle to help refiners achieve maximum catalyst performance.
  • Excel rejuvenated catalyst minimizes catalyst waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to using fresh catalyst.
  • Excel® technology and associated services are available in North America, Europe and Asia.

Performance Data

Excel rejuvenation technology is applicable across all major manufactures and consistently restores both HDS and HDN, activity to equivalent of the fresh analogue.

Excel rejuvenation has been used in over 60 reactors globally from naphtha hydrotreaters to hydrocracker pretreaters with zero failures.  Extensive pilot plant testing in ULSD and gas oil services has shown equivalent performance of Excel catalyst compared to it's fresh counterpart, including HDS, HDN, and aromatic saturation.

Excel rejuvenation is applicable to Type I and Type II NiMo and CoMo catalysts in a wide range of hydrotreating applications from naphtha through heavy gas oil.  The following testing was performed under SRGO on a Type II CoMo catalyst:


Operating conditions

Sulfur content

11 000 ppmwt

Liquid Hourly Space Velocity (LHSV)

1.0 hr-1


41.4 bar

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